Choosing the Right Home Inspection Company for You

Choosing the Right Home Inspection Company for You

Navigating the process of buying or selling a property can be daunting, but an essential step you can’t afford to overlook is the home inspection. This comprehensive guide shines a spotlight on the critical role of choosing the right home inspection company, emphasizing the distinction between standard services and premier providers like Home Inspection Carolina. Discover why investing in a quality home inspection service is pivotal for making informed decisions about your property.

Understanding The Home Inspection

A home inspection acts as a thorough examination of a property’s condition, assessing everything from structural integrity to HVAC systems. Understanding the scope and significance of home inspections allows buyers and sellers to identify potential issues that could impact the property’s safety, functionality, and overall value.

The Significance of Opting for Quality Home Inspection Services

The difference between a basic home inspection and a detailed one can dramatically influence property transactions. A meticulous home inspection offers invaluable insights, revealing hidden defects and ensuring the property meets certain standards, thus facilitating informed decision-making and considerable savings down the line.

Choosing the right home inspection company

Standard vs. Premium Home Inspection Companies

While the market is flooded with companies offering home inspection services, not all deliver the same level of thoroughness and expertise. This section underscores what sets premium services like Home Inspection Carolina apart from the rest.

Home Inspection Carolina

What Sets Home Inspection Carolina Apart

Advanced Certification and Expertise

What distinguishes Home Inspection Carolina is its unwavering dedication to certification across all offered services, ensuring a team of highly specialized and qualified inspectors. This commitment to excellence is evident in their detailed and informative inspection reports, equipping homeowners with the knowledge to make well-informed decisions.

Expert Inspectors and Quality Reports

Their team comprises expert inspectors who bring a depth of knowledge and attention to detail to each inspection. This expertise translates into comprehensive quality inspection reports, enabling homeowners to make well-informed decisions. Such reports are instrumental in understanding the property’s condition, identifying both minor and major issues that could impact the home’s value or require immediate action.

The High Cost of Low Prices

Opting for cheaper home inspection services might appear budget-friendly initially but could lead to overlooking significant property defects. In contrast, investing in reputable services with deep knowledge ensures a comprehensive property assessment, saving future costs and complications. Thus, the quality of the home inspector matters.

Checking Credentials and Reviews

Prior to hiring a home inspection service, verifying the inspector’s credentials and consulting Google reviews are essential steps. These measures help assess the reliability and professionalism of the service, ensuring you receive a thorough and accurate property evaluation.

Price Shouldn’t Be the Only Deciding Factor

While budget considerations are important, the choice of a home inspection service should not be based solely on price. Premium services like Home Inspection Carolina offer detailed assessments that are crucial for understanding a property’s condition, representing a wise investment compared to the potential costs of undetected issues.

home inspector reviews


In the complex world of property transactions, the importance of a reliable home inspection cannot be understated. Choosing a premium service like Home Inspection Carolina ensures a level of scrutiny, expertise, and reporting that empowers property owners to make sound decisions. When it comes to property inspections, prioritizing quality and thoroughness provides clarity, confidence, and, ultimately, considerable savings. For more information or to schedule an inspection, contact us today.

Energy Savings with Smart Thermostats

Smart Thermostats: The Key to Energy Saving and Smart Living

Diving into the world of smart thermostats and how they’re revolutionizing our home environments and energy savings with smart thermostats. 

Benefits and Advantages of Smart Thermostats

A smart thermostat is more than just a temperature controller; it’s an intelligent device that not only optimizes your comfort but also saves energy and money. According to Lee Company, these devices can even extend the life of your HVAC equipment by making small adjustments that reduce wear and tear.

Energy Saving Potential

One of the standout benefits of smart thermostats is their potential for energy savings. As noted by American Home Shield, these devices let you track your energy usage in real time, allowing for more informed decisions about your heating or cooling habits. But it’s not just about tracking; it’s about adapting. Smart thermostats learn from your behaviors and adjust accordingly, ensuring optimal energy usage without compromising on comfort.

seamless integration into smart home setups

Integration with Smart Home Setup

Integration into a smart home setup is another major advantage. These devices can be controlled remotely, offering unparalleled convenience. Whether you’re in bed or away from home, you can adjust your home’s temperature with just a few taps on your smartphone, as pointed out by Clean Choice Energy.

The Technology Behind Smart Thermostats

Now, let’s talk about the technology behind these smart devices. Unlike traditional thermostats that operate based on set temperatures, smart thermostats are responsive and adaptive. They utilize advanced algorithms and sensors to monitor your energy usage patterns, ambient conditions, and even your daily routine. This data-driven approach makes them significantly more efficient and user-friendly than their traditional counterparts.

Environmentally-Friendly Aspects

Finally, it’s worth noting that smart thermostats aren’t just good for your wallet; they’re good for the environment too. By optimizing energy usage, these devices reduce our carbon footprint, making them an excellent choice for those looking to live a greener lifestyle.

Energy Savings with Smart Thermostats


Energy Savings with Smart Thermostats are more than worth the investment. They offer a perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and cost savings while contributing to a healthier planet. So, if you’re interested in home automation and energy efficiency, it’s time to make the smart switch!

#SmartThermostat #EnergySavings #SmartHome #GreenLiving #HomeAutomation

Protecting Yourself from Gas Leaks

Safeguarding Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Yourself from Gas Leaks

A gas leak is a potentially hazardous situation that can occur in any household. Whether natural gas or propane leaks, the consequences can be severe, ranging from health risks to fire and explosions. To ensure the safety of you and your loved ones, it’s crucial to be well-prepared and educated on how to prevent, detect, and respond to gas leaks in your home. In this blog post, we will cover essential steps and safety measures you can take to protect yourself and your home from the dangers of gas leaks.


1. Know the Signs:

Recognizing the warning signs of a gas leak is the first step in safeguarding your home. These signs may include:

  • A distinct, sulfur-like odor similar to rotten eggs.
  • Hissing or hissing sounds near gas appliances or pipelines.
  • Dead or discolored vegetation near gas lines.
  • Unexplained physical symptoms like dizziness, nausea, headaches, or difficulty breathing.
2. Regular Maintenance:

Ensuring the proper maintenance of gas appliances and lines is crucial for preventing leaks. Follow these guidelines:

  • Have a qualified professional inspect and maintain gas appliances annually.
  • Regularly check for worn-out or damaged gas lines and connectors.
  • Keep the area around gas appliances clean and clutter-free to prevent airflow blockages.
  • Replace aging appliances or those showing signs of deterioration.

A Portable gas sniffer is an easy way to check for gas leaks at the source or connections.

Portable Gas Leak Detector
3. Proper Installation:

Proper installation of gas appliances and pipelines reduces the risk of leaks. Here’s what you should do:

  • Hire a certified professional to install gas appliances and systems.
  • Ensure that appliances are properly vented to prevent gas buildup indoors.
  • Check that gas appliances have shut-off valves for emergencies.
4. Gas Detectors:

Gas detectors are essential tools for early leak detection. Here’s how to use them effectively:

  • Install UL-listed natural gas detectors in key areas, such as the kitchen, basement, and near gas appliances.
  • Test detectors regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • If the alarm sounds or the detector indicates a leak, evacuate your home immediately and call emergency services.

Plug In Gas Leak Detector

Nighthawk Gas Leak Detector
5. Emergency Preparedness:

Being prepared for a gas leak emergency can make a significant difference. Take the following steps:

  • Educate your family members on the proper actions to take in case of a gas leak, including evacuation procedures.
  • Establish a designated meeting point outside your home for all family members to gather after evacuating.
  • Store emergency contact numbers, including your gas company’s emergency line, in an easily accessible place.
6. Responding to a Gas Leak:

If you suspect a gas leak, follow these safety protocols:

  • Do not use any electrical devices, switches, or open flames.
  • Evacuate your home immediately and avoid using your phone inside the house.
  • Once outside, call your gas company’s emergency line and report the leak.
  • Do not re-enter your home until a professional technician declares it safe.
Gas leak evacuation plan

Protecting your home and family from gas leaks requires a combination of awareness, preventative measures, and swift response. By knowing the signs of a gas leak, conducting regular maintenance, installing gas detectors, and being prepared for emergencies, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with gas leaks. Safety and the safety of your loved ones should always be your top priority; contact Home Inspection Carolina to schedule a gas leak detection today.

Why is my smoke detector beeping?

Why is my smoke detector beeping?

What causes Smoke Detector Beeping? A smoke detector beeps primarily to alert occupants of a building about the presence of smoke or potentially dangerous levels of certain airborne particles. Smoke detectors are designed to detect the products of combustion, which are often present in the early stages of a fire when flames might not yet be visible. Here are a few common reasons why a smoke detector might beep:

1. Smoke Detection: Smoke detectors contain sensors that can detect the presence of smoke particles in the air. When smoke enters the chamber of the detector and crosses a certain threshold, it triggers the alarm to beep.

2. Fire or Combustion: The most common reason for a smoke detector to beep is if there’s an actual fire or combustion occurring in the vicinity. The smoke particles produced by the fire trigger the detector’s alarm.

3. Cooking Smoke: Smoke detectors located near kitchens can sometimes be triggered by cooking smoke, especially if there’s a lot of smoke generated during cooking. This can lead to false alarms.

4. Steam and High Humidity: In some cases, high levels of steam or humidity in the air can be mistaken for smoke by the detector’s sensors, causing false alarms.

5. Dust and Particles: Dust, dirt, or other airborne particles can accumulate in the smoke detector’s sensing chamber over time. If these particles interfere with the sensor’s operation, they might trigger false alarms.

6. Expired or Faulty Batteries: Smoke detectors usually have a low-battery warning feature that causes the Smoke Detector  Beeping at regular intervals when the battery is running low. The detector might beep if the batteries are expired, low, or malfunctioning.

7. Malfunction or Sensor Failure: Smoke detectors are electronic devices, and like any other electronic device, they can experience malfunctions or sensor failures that lead to false alarms or continuous beeping.

8. Interconnected Alarms: In some setups, multiple smoke detectors are interconnected. If one detector detects smoke, it can trigger all interconnected detectors in the building to beep in unison.

Why is my smoke detector beeping?

If your smoke detector is beeping, it’s important to investigate the cause. If it’s a false alarm due to cooking or humidity, you might need to ventilate the area and clear the air around the detector. If the alarm persists or if you suspect a fire, follow your building’s evacuation procedures and contact emergency services.

Regular maintenance of smoke detectors, including replacing batteries as needed and cleaning them to prevent dust buildup, can help ensure they function properly and minimize the risk of false alarms. For more information, feel free to contact us online, call us at 704-542-6575, or schedule your inspection today.

Most Common Defects Found with HVAC during a Home Inspection.

Most Common Defects Found with HVAC during a Home Inspection.

During a home inspection, several common defects or issues can be found with HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. Identifying these problems is crucial to ensure the home’s safety, efficiency, and comfort. Some of the most common defects found with HVAC systems during a home inspection include:

1. Dirty or Clogged Filters: Dirty or clogged filters can restrict airflow, reduce system efficiency, and degrade indoor air quality. Regular filter maintenance is essential.

2. Inadequate Maintenance: Lack of regular maintenance can lead to various issues, including dirty coils, loose electrical connections, and more.

3. Refrigerant Leaks: Leaking refrigerant can lead to decreased cooling capacity, increased energy consumption, and potential environmental harm. A refrigerant leak should be addressed promptly.

4. Electrical Issues: Improper wiring, faulty connections, and worn-out electrical components can pose fire hazards and lead to system malfunctions.

5. Thermostat Problems: Incorrectly calibrated or malfunctioning thermostats can result in inconsistent temperature control and inefficient operation.

6. Ductwork Issues: Leaky or poorly insulated ducts can lead to conditioned air loss, reduced efficiency, and uneven heating or cooling throughout the home.

7. Inadequate Airflow: Insufficient airflow can result from blocked vents, dirty components, or undersized ductwork, leading to reduced system efficiency and comfort.

8. Uneven Heating/Cooling: Poorly balanced systems may result in certain areas of the home being too hot or too cold, indicating issues with the distribution of air.

9. Lack of Combustion Air: Gas furnaces and water heaters require proper ventilation and combustion air supply to operate safely and efficiently.

10. Carbon Monoxide Concerns: If not properly vented or maintained, gas-fired appliances can produce dangerous carbon monoxide gas.

11. Condensate Drainage Issues: Blocked or clogged condensate drains can cause water leaks, leading to damage and potential mold growth.

12. Old or Inefficient Equipment: Aging or outdated HVAC systems may have decreased efficiency and higher operating costs. It might be worth considering an upgrade.

13. Improper Installation: Incorrectly sized equipment, poorly designed ductwork, and improper installation can lead to efficiency problems and reduced system lifespan.

14. Inadequate Insulation: Poor insulation in the home can lead to increased heating and cooling demands on the HVAC system, affecting efficiency.

15. Noisy Operation: Unusual or loud noises from the HVAC system can indicate mechanical problems needing attention.

Home Inspection Carolina - Top Home Inspectors in Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville.

It’s important to note that not all HVAC systems will have these defects, and the severity of these issues can vary. A licensed home inspector can assess the condition of the HVAC system during a home inspection. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are essential to keep the HVAC system functioning efficiently and effectively. For more information, contact us or schedule a home inspection today.

Large Luxury House

The Most Common Issues Found on a Home Inspection.

Home Inspection Carolina
The Most Common Issues Found on a Home Inspection

No two home inspections are the same. Every single house is different and has its own story to tell. It is the home inspector’s job to interpret and tell that story by doing a thorough visual investigation of the house.  Often people hire the home inspector to perform this inspection at the time of purchase. Even though every house is different, home inspectors come across many of the same problems after performing many inspections over time. After being in business for over 25 years, there are a few that are a constant reoccurrence. So I created a list of The Most Common Issues Found on a Home Inspection. The list below does not imply that your house will or will not have these problems.  It’s just a list off the top of an old home inspector’s head. So, here we go.

The Most Common Issues Found on a Home Inspection

  1. Dirty air filters which lead to clogged condensation lines, overflow pans filled with water, and an HVAC system that is not working as efficiently as it should. I could write a whole article on how the dirty filter leads to all this but for brevity just keep those filters changed.
  2. Loose strike plates and hinges. Fortunately, these are typically easy fixes that just need a screw or multiple screws tightened.  Sometimes if it is stripped You might need a larger screw.
  3. Shrinking insulation on the Freon gas line. The Freon gas line is the bigger line that is cold when the AC is running.  Since the gas line is cold while running condensation forms on these.  Over time this pipe insulation shrinks or deteriorates and needs replacement.
  4. No anti-siphon device on the water spigot to prevent water contamination. These are relatively inexpensive and screw right on.
  5. Anti-tipping brackets on the oven are missing. Ovens should have these brackets installed to prevent ovens from flipping over
  6. Faucets continuous drip/and or stopper not working in sinks and tubs. Usually not too bad to fix.  It usually involves replacing some worn-out valves
  7. Tubs and Sinks need Caulking. Caulking wears out over time.
  8. Caulking needed around doors and windows. Caulking wears out here too but even faster.  If the caulking fails here moisture can get in behind the wood and cause damage/ aka softwood.
  9. Poor drainage and lack of splash blocks or downspout diverters. Always ask yourself where does the water go when it rains?  Look for signs of where it goes but you want it to travel away from the house and the foundation.
  10. Damaged plumbing boots. There are rubber plumbing boots that make the transition from roof shingle to the plumbing vent pipe.  This rubber eventually deteriorates and crumbles and needs to be replaced
  11. Cracked apex shingle. I cannot tell how many of these I have seen.  Let us just say a bunch.  When that apex shingle must make a sharp angle, it tends to crack over time.
  12. Weathered Deck and/or wood debris under the deck. It’s important to keep the wood decks in good shape through periodic maintenance.  It’s also important to keep non treated wood such as firewood out from under the deck as this attracts termites.
The Most Common Things Found on a Home Inspection?

My list is by no means an exhaustive list nor is it the list of the most expensive or dangerous things found on home inspections, just the most common issues found on a home inspection off the top of an old home inspector’s head.  To prepare your sellers for an inspection download our Seller’s Checklist for FREE!  To view one of our reports to get a better idea of what inspectors are looking for during an inspection download a sample home inspection report.

Pre-Listing Home Inspection

Pre-Listing Home Inspection
Home Inspection Carolina

Should you have a Pre-listing home inspection before listing your home? Many experts say yes! Some experts say it is bad timing to have a home inspection performed after you’re under contract. It’s better to have the home inspected before it goes on the market in order to avoid surprises that might cause the deal to fall through.

Pre-listing Inspections

How does it benefit you to have a Pre-Listing Home Inspection?

The advantages of a Pre-Listing Home Inspection far outweigh the drawbacks, and Home Inspection Carolina has a Pre-Listing program that will benefit the seller, buyer, and even the listing agent! We’ll outline those in a minute, but first, let’s think about this scenario:

You put your home on the market and wait anxiously for interested buyers. After some negotiating, your home goes under contract. Yay! The buyer has the home inspected, only to discover that there is $10,000 worth of repairs needed in the crawl space. Who is going to eat that cost? Is it you, the seller, who just agreed to take $10,000 off the price of the home? Or the buyer, who is now aware they need to put $10,000 into the house, bringing them back to where they started? This process is stressful for all parties.

A Pre-listing Home Inspection is beneficial for everyone involved!

For the sellers, it puts your cards out on the table- so to speak- for everyone to see. Any items that need repairs are listed and disclosed early on. This allows you to price your home based on the market and the repairs needed.

For the buyers, they see the ins and outs of the home from the start. They feel informed about the status of the home and more confident in their investment.

Pre-Listing Home Inspection by HIC

Let’s use the scenario above to discuss some of the benefits of having a Pre-Listing Home Inspection. If you, the seller, had had a Pre-Listing Home Inspection from Home Inspection Carolina, you would have been aware of the $10,000 worth of underlying issues before putting your home on the market. This would allow you to determine which option is best for your family:

You could make the repairs immediately and adjust your listing price based on the cost of those repairs.
You could list the home and disclose the repairs that are needed to explain the reduced listing price for a smoother transition with the buyer. Or you could take your time, research contractors, and get the best deal for making the repairs before listing your home, all without the pressure of a timeline.

Listing Agents can benefit from Home Inspection Carolina’s Pre-Listing Inspection program as well!

When enrolling in our Pre-listing program through, exclusive to Home Inspection Carolina, listing agents receive leads generated by the program. The leads allow the agent to contact a potential buyer to see if they have representation and if they are interested in knowing more about your home. This helps increase their exposure and get more buyers for you!

Our Pre-Listing Home Inspection program allows prospective buyers to view the report from a QR code posted on a sign in your front yard. Information about the home is not released without the seller’s permission. The seller has complete control of the report and when they want to release it, if at all.

The buyer must purchase the report at a minimum cost to gain access. All the money goes back to the seller to compensate them for purchasing the Pre-Listing Inspection. The leads generated from their home inspection report go directly to the agent.

This program allows the buyer to get a better understanding of the home. Now that the buyer is aware of any repairs, they are more likely to place an offer. Those buyers may also be looking at other homes that have not had a Pre-listing Inspection. There’s no way for them to know the true condition of those homes unless they purchase a buyers Home Inspection. Having your home pre-inspected will give you an advantage against other homes in the market. The Pre-Listing program allows for an open and honest, less stressful transaction for both parties.

Having a Pre-Listing Inspection creates happier clients and smoother transactions, with fewer negotiations, and dramatically reduces the chance of the deal falling through.

For more information about the Pre-Listing Inspection service, please visit If you would like to schedule your Pre-Listing Home Inspection you can start by Clicking Here.

Homebuyers Checklist

Home Inspection Carolina
How do you choose which house to buy?

You create a homebuyer’s checklist. In my last two home purchases, I made a matrix or checklist so that I could objectively compare the houses based on what was important to me.  So this looks like a spreadsheet to compare.  The houses are down one side of the spreadsheet and the things that are important to you are down the other side of the spreadsheet.  There is a caveat though.  You need to weigh the importance from 1-10 on how important that feature is to you. Let’s say schools are the most important to you.  You would give schools a weighted score of 10.  Let’s say you want a downstairs master but it’s no deal killer if it doesn’t.  You give it a weighted score of 5.


Let’s get started on your homebuyers checklist. First, make a list of what’s important to you.  Some examples are schools and master bedroom like we already mentioned.  Others include neighborhood, amenities, and closeness to work.  Others include modern bathrooms and a kitchen.  You may not want to give something like baths and kitchens a 10 because it is something you can change.  You can’t change neighborhoods or schools. Other things to consider include the absence or presence of a garage or basement.  You may also want to consider square footage and lot size.  There are many things you look for in a house.  The Tour list should be unique to you.  The thing to remember though is that some are more important than others.  It is very unlikely you are going to find a house that has every single thing you want that falls within your budget.  Since you will have to compromise on something it’s a good idea to weigh the things you want.

Before we make our homebuyers checklist let’s talk about the condition of the house. At the very least this should be one of your weighted items.  For finding the condition we recommend a home inspection and a Radon Inspection by a company like Home Inspection Carolina.  They also provide a free home inspection checklist.  Some people prefer new homes over existing homes for this very reason.  A new home will have a brand-new roof, furnace, and water heater.  Everything should be under warranty with a new home. You may ask well then why ever buy an existing home?   Why not just always buy a new home?   Well, there is a tradeoff.  Although a new how the home may be less maintenance it might not appreciate as quickly as a preexisting home.  After all, why would someone pay more for your home a year later if they can buy a brand new one just down the street?  Also, it might be hard to get mature trees in a brand-new neighborhood.  Also, some preexisting homes may be closer to work.  Whether you buy a new or preexisting home in an area like Charlotte NC we recommend having a home inspection by a company like Home Inspection Carolina.

Ok, you now have your house down one side of your spreadsheet and the weighted features down the other side.  Now you want to go through each feature and rate each house from 1-10 on that feature and then multiply it by its weighted amount.  If you rated schools a 10 and you gave the schools for house “A” a 9 you would put 90 in that box.  If you rated house “B” a 7 you would put a 70 in that box.  I house “A” scored a 6 on bathrooms and you weighted it and 8 the score would be 48.  If house “B” scored a 10 on bathrooms and you weighted it an 8.  It would get an 80.  In the end, you will add up all the weighted scores to see what each house scored.  This is how I objectively compared houses I was thinking of purchasing.  I hope this might help you as well.

10 Questions to ask a Home Inspector! First Time Home Buyer?

First Time Home Buyer - Home Inspection Carolina
Home Inspection Carolina
First Time Home Buyer? Questions to ask a Home Inspector!

Being a first time home buyer can be a scary process. All the hoops you have to jump threw to get to the end of the process can be exhausting.

Getting Ready?

You applied for a mortgage, filled out all the required paperwork, and you’re now Pre-Approved! After months of hunting, you finally find the one! But wait, one more final hurdle, the home inspection. For first-time homebuyers, the home inspection can be a scary process. Not knowing what to expect or how the process is supposed to go. We at Home Inspection Carolina understand and would like to help you to understand the process of your home inspection better.

What is the home inspector’s responsibility?

The primary responsibility of a home inspector is to protect you, the client.  But first, you must understand how a home inspector protects you. Your home inspector is the generalist, think of them as your House MD. Just in the same way, you would make an appointment with your physician for a routine physical. If your physician identifies an irregular rhythm within your heart, they would then refer you to a specialist to further evaluate you and try and determine the next course of action.

The home inspector does the same for your home. When a home inspector finds an issue that needs to be further evaluated, they would recommend you to a specialist, such as a general contractor (GC), licensed plumber, licensed electrician, etc. This referral protects you, so you can completely understand the extent of any problems in your new home.

So, why hire a home Inspector instead of a specialist?

You could just go directly to the specialist for each individual system. This, of course, costs you time and money. Scheduling multiple people to inspector your home at the same time can be difficult. The benefit of hiring a home inspector is that they have been trained within all systems of the house and have general knowledge with everything about the house. A specialist generally is only knowledgeable and specializes in one system or area of the home.

First time home buyer, what should I expect from my home inspector?

Your home inspector is there to help you in making an educated decision when purchasing your dream home. Remember, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Your home inspector will conduct a visual inspection, looking for significant defects. Some may be cosmetic in nature, but your home inspector will mainly be focusing on significant items.

Some questions you should ask your home inspector?

The whole process can be a little overwhelming, so we created some key questions you should ask your home inspector during the home inspection process.

Home Inspector Questions - Home Inspection Carolina

10 Questions to ask your Home Inspector for a First Time Home Buyer.

  1. Where is the main water shut off?
    (This is important to know in case of an emergency, or if you want to turn off the water when going on vacation.)
  2. Where are the GFCI outlets located, what do they do, and how to reset them?
  3. Does the home have AFCIs? If so, where are they located and how do I reset them if they are trip.
    (The GFCI and AFCIs are electrical breakers that protect you. GFCIs are required in areas where water is located. AFCIs are typically located within the electrical panel. They trip if there is an arc within your electrical system.)
  4. How many thermostats does this home have, and where are they located?
    (You may have a home with multiple thermostats that control one unit or two. This is good to know what they control so you can efficiently heat and cool your home.)
  5. Where are the return air registers and air filters?
  6. What size are the air filters, and how often should I change them?
    (The air filter is the most important and inexpensive way to maintain your HVAC system. If the air filter becomes clogged, it causes the unit to work harder to pull air across the air filter, causing strain or stress on the unit, ultimately reducing the lifespan of the unit.)
  7. Is the home equipped with Carbon Monoxide detectors, if so, where are they located?
    (If the home is equipped with gas appliances, you want to make sure that carbon monoxide detectors are installed for safety. If not, make sure that you install them after moving in.)
  8. If there is a fireplace with gas logs installed?
    (Ask your inspector how they work, start them, and if there are any safety concerns that you need to be aware of.)
  9. What is the age of the HVAC UNITS? (Heating and Air Systems)
    (Home inspectors may not be required to identify the age of the units within the report, at the inspection is a great time to ask them. Knowing the age of the units can give you a good estimate of how much life you can expect to get out of them with proper maintenance. The typical life span of a unit can range from 10 – 15 years.)
  10.  Don’t hesitate to call your inspector after you receive the report. If you don’t understand something, the home inspector is there to help you through the process.

At Home Inspection Carolina – Our Mission: To ensure that all our clients receive exceptional service and satisfaction. Creating client relationships and protecting your investment is our #1 Priority!

Do’s and Don’ts When Hiring a Home Inspector

Choosing the right home inspector for you!
Home Inspection Carolina

Choosing a home inspector is one of the most important parts of purchasing a home. You want the home inspector to work for you and protect your investment. Your home is one of the largest investments you will ever make, and a hidden surprise can be costly after purchasing your new home.

So, How do you choose a home inspector?

One of the 1st things to do is research your home inspector, check their online reviews. If an inspector does a lot of business, Google will have a rating on them and their business. You can review what experiences other people have had and how they respond to client’s concerns. But don’t stop there. Visit the inspector’s website and check their credentials. See if the inspector has additional education and certifications. What certifications do they have that might help educate you with the buying process, Radon Testing Certification, Mold Certification, Infrared Certifications, etc.

Call the home inspector and ask questions. Get a vibe for their personality and make sure it clicks with yours. See how they respond to your questions. Do they explain things in a way you can easily understand, and are they taking the time to make sure you do understand? Choosing a home inspector, you feel comfortable speaking with, and trust is an invaluable part of the process.  Remember, a home inspector’s only job is to protect you!

If you are a 1st time home buyer, make sure they are willing to take the time to explain the home and how it works. For questions to ask a home inspector for a first-time buyer, please check out our blog on First Time home buyers The Ten questions to ask a home inspector.

Finally, once you have selected your home inspector, contact your realtor.  Ask them if they are familiar with the home inspector you have chosen. Have they ever worked with them during a transaction and if they are aware of their reputation.

Choosing the right home inspector for you is an essential part of the process. Make sure you do your research and remember, a home inspector’s only job is to protect you!

Home Inspection Carolina Google Reviews

Please enjoy our video on the “Do’s and Don’ts when hiring a home inspector”.

If you have any questions or we might be able to help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact us a or call us at 704-542-6575.

Home Inspection Carolina, services – Charlotte NC – Raleigh NC – Asheville NC


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