Being a home inspector is the best thing that has ever happened to me. After graduating college and sitting in an office for a year, I knew I would rather be climbing on roofs, crawling in crawl spaces, and inspecting attics. I decided to become a home inspector after performing renovations while in college and renovating my current home. I enjoyed finding and fixing the issues myself to save money. I believe you will do the best job when you are doing something you enjoy.
Home Inspection Carolina is the best company to be affiliated with. HIC has taught me so much and is continually training their inspectors. No matter which inspector you choose, your experience will be the same or better every time.
Hieu is an expert in several services offered by Home Inspection Carolina.
- 2015 Licensed Home Inspector in NC & SC
- 2015 Certified in Structural Pest Control
- 2017 Certified Mold Inspection
- 2016 International Association of Certified Home Inspector
- 2018 NC & SC Real Estate License